Tube bending according to customer specifications, drawings, bending data or samples. In the tube bending shop MNR, round and flat oval tubes made of steel, stainless steel, copper and brass are bent. Our pipe bending shop is able to take over pipe bends for serial production with its modern bending machines. For pipe bending, there is a wide range of experience for the motor industry, automotive industry, port construction and wind power industry. We bend tubes from ø 4 mm to ø 168 mm in cold forming. Mandrel extension lengths for crease-free bending up to 6000 mm. Accurate dimensional checks are carried out with a 3-D pipe measuring system.
Tube bending machines for tube sizes from ø 95 mm to ø 114 mm
With a 3-D pipe measuring system all bent pipes, from hydraulic lines to the complete exhaust system are measured. This ensures the most accurate measurements and corrections of lengths, bending angles (L, R, A) and tube springback.